Professor Sylvia Harvey – VLV Trustee

Professor Sylvia Harvey, Visiting Professor at the School of Media and Communications, University of Leeds, previously served as a VLV trustee for four years until 2019 and is well known to VLV members. She studied for her PhD in film at the University of California Los Angeles, returning to teach in the university sector in Britain, mainly in the north of England. She was a member of the BFI Production Board, a founder member of Doc/Fest, trustee of the Showroom Cinema and a Governor of Sheffield Hallam University. Her most recent publication is the chapter ‘Broadcasting in the Age of Netflix: When the Market is Master’ in the 2020 edition of A Companion to Television. She has submitted evidence to a variety of public bodies including Parliamentary Select Committees, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the BFI and Ofcom. She is a longstanding member of the Voice of the Listener & Viewer, the Royal Television Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.