Our strategy for the coming five years will be to focus on the following priorities:
- Ensure that high quality broadcasting services which are free once the TV Licence Fee has been paid are maintained and supported
- Hold the UK’s public service broadcasters to account
- Monitor the delivery of public service content
- Ensure that citizen interests are represented in the policy debate around broadcasting
"The best of everything in everyone’s homes. To enrich individuals with knowledge, culture and information about their world, to buildmore cohesive communities, to engage the people of the UK and the whole globe in a new conversation about who we are and where we are going …put to work to the sole benefit ofthe public."
Our Mission
- To support the plural provision of accessible, high quality public service radio and television, available free at the point of use to licence payers, for a range of audiences across the full range of genres. This content should include UK-specific content for children’s audiences
- To safeguard the accuracy, impartiality, quality, diversity and editorial integrity of broadcast content
- To promote a wider choice of high quality programmes
- To oppose undue influence over broadcasting policy by those with commercial, political, sectarian or other interests
- To promote awareness of the crucial role broadcasting plays in democracy and in our national and community life and culture
- To ensure that the opportunities innovation and new technology provide are developed for the benefit of all citizens
- To promote the potential of broadcasting and digital media to contribute to education in formal institutions and informal settings
- To ensure that citizen interests are central to any government policy decisions made about broadcasting, including the use of spectrum for Digital Terrestrial Television
- To ensure that licence fee payers’ interests and views are taken into account in the governance and regulation of the BBC
- To ensure that Channel 4 continues to be able to deliver its remit, being a provider of alternative mainstream public service content for UK audiences
- To lobby to ensure that UK viewers and listeners are not disadvantaged by the impacts of the UK’s exit from the European Union
VLV’s Activities 2017 – 2022
In pursuit of these outcomes, VLV will follow five integrated strategies:
- Provide evidence for members and others interested in broadcasting
- To advocate for public service broadcasting
- Hold conferences and other events
- Maintain and increase VLV’s impact in the public policy debate
- Develop VLV to be fit to fulfil its plans
Specific Lobbying Objectives
- The new governance and regulation model for the BBC ensures that the corporation is truly accountable to licence fee payers
- The independence of the BBC is safeguarded
- The quality and range of public service programmes is maintained
- Regulatory bodies function in the interests of listeners and viewers
- The next BBC funding settlement is conducted in a transparent and accountable manner
- Alternative funding models for the BBC are researched by the DCMS
- Channel 4’s future is secured so that it can continue to invest surpluses into content provision
- ITV and Channel 5 continue as public service broadcasters with a statutory commitment to providing high quality, UK produced public service content
You can download a PDF of our Strategic Plan below:
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