The government is proposing to move Channel 4 from public to private ownership, a move VLV opposes.
We believe that privatisation of Channel 4 will have a negative impact on audiences. It is our concern that a private owner will aim to attract the largest possible audience to maximise commercial success and as a result Channel 4 output will become less distinctive.
Channel 4 is currently delivering its remit in a way which benefits audiences, citizens and the creative community in the UK. VLV believes that its recent performance demonstrates that it will be able to continue to do so going forward.
There is a strong possibility, and perhaps probability, that many of these benefits would be lost, or at least significantly impaired, if it were to move into private ownership. Therefore, the onus is on government to provide the evidence and research to demonstrate the need for such a change which it has failed to do.
VLV has made a submission to the DCMS as well as one to the Lords Communications and Digital Committee opposing the proposals.
We also have prepared a briefing note which set out our initial response providing background information on the proposals.
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